See, we started this whole conspiracy thing, like 25 years ago. We read stuff out of newspapers or these things called ‘websites’ that you found through AltaVista. And we are sorry. We really, really are. On this show we reveal the true person behind the Corona Diesease Conpsiracy (or CDC, or wait, MIND FUCKING BLOWN). Youn will not believe who Abe reveals. It was Abe. He reveals it. #notconspiracytheorists #certainlynotjournalists
Also, once again we make reference to our offsite proudction team. Someone has to do all this work, polishing the turds that the biys leave on ouyr doorstep. You know this show, recorded on Anzac Day ran to 4.5 hours of silence, fart noises, richard looking for his glasses, Pete working through one of simpler scripts that if read right through was not funny and ran 2.5 hours and Abe showing us all the different shades of blue his TV makes on the celing of his mansion. So, I have taken over this section to show you tyhe whole production team, working hard in our Polynesian work factory.

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