With Richard flying in the door later than John Howard’s indigenous care policy, WBF quickly became embroiled in a conundrum; can the NSW Police Force have an Intelligence Service? You see this activist was approached by these so called Intelligence Service people (Ahmed was his name apparently – likely story) to spy on other activists. Daniel Jones (was a man, was a big man) is a self-proclaimed “socialist”, and like pretty much the entire socialist network in Sydney would in reality be more interested in selling their newspaper than any kind of insurgency. So the NSW Police have missed the mark again – hell i think my newsagent could tell them more, and he sells comics too!
The Education Government, that’s what Little Johnny wants to be known for (well it’s better than being implicated in the murder of 100s of thousands of civilians in Iraq, the illegal detention of refugees, the race baiting and marginalisation of new Australians and their families, the misappropriation of mental health funding, restricting women’s ability to access reproductive choice, dismantling of fair workplace practices, corporatisation of the media and the loss of more Australian assets as we continue sell the farm) but unfortunately the measly 100 million dollars you expect 39 universities to “share” will not wipe away the true legacy of your uncompassionate, economic rationalist as all costs, inhumane, and unfair rule. Walk away Little John – your legacy is set – don’t waste our money on your last pathetic grasps for power!
Victory for the geese this week as scientists find a link between pate, more specifically foie gras, and a number of diseases not least of which is dementia and abnormal protein deposits which funnily find themselves in the same family as Mad Cow Disease. Ain’t revenge sweet! Free the geese!!!
As Pete continues his indepth series “Battle For Bennelong” and Richard strongly considers ringing Centrebet to put money on a Rudd victory, the National Party have begun their campaign to support the Howard reelection bid in Bennelong, beginning what has become known as Door-Knock-Gate. Now personally i wouldn’t really like any National Party members knocking on my door to spruik for Howard. That being said, if they’re at the front door, at least they aren’t out the back with the sheep getting involved in some Back Door Gate action!
Peaches this week brought out an unusual reaction in Pete – so excited by the content was he, that he actually managed a semi-Geldolf. Lucky he wasn’t wearing tights! With reports that the BBC was somehow impartial in it’s cross promotion of Richard Curtis productions on their programming, Peaches has been getting involved with a bit of festival action. Not too sure as what – maybe the bearded lady! Richard Curtis it must be said has had his moments; Blackadder, The Young Ones, and of course the deleted scene of him and Michael Douglas from Spartacus. Such unrequited love!!
The FuckOMeter this week:
Peter: 6
Richard: 3
Abe: 1
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