EPISODE #257 – Room Service at the Paris Hilton

With appearances by Denzel Washington, Cardinal George Pel, and Paris Hilton, this show was one to make the history books.
Now the media is a convoluted beast, especially in the US. So much so, that Fox News (mouth-piece of the US Government) is apparently sheltering Osama Bin Laden. Not really a big leap – lets look at history; the US has armed Bin Laden, helped his family flee from the US after the 911 attacks (that he supposedly planned), and “tried to find him” for years. Maybe it makes sense he’s working there… I mean in a world of economic rationalism the guy needs a job! He can’t keep being a CIA stooge forever.
[At this point i zoned out – something about music from 1994, some producer who liked Baby Animals, Pete liking it both ways and an arena spectacular starring Zoot and Sherbet…]
Paris Hilton’s been in the news, but try as they might they still can’t find her best side… She’s found God, decided to stop being dumb and had what some are calling a Bimboaplasty. If that means having a bimbo attached to her, just call Lindsay Lohan – she needs a friend!
… and the big hand’s not working on the WBF clock!
Little Johnny, Prime Minister of Australia, Sheriff in the Region to GWB’s Junta, and all ’round tool box has been raising money to get back into power… as if 10 years isn’t enough! Luckily Little Johnny has something no other candidate has, tax payer dollars, and he used them to have himself a little party! Kirribilli House, his Sydney residence was used for an $8,250 a head dinner party for business big wigs, with all funds going to Little Johnny. He didn’t see a conflict of interests, he didn’t see a problem – oh well guess it wasn’t a “core” dinner party.
Pete had fun this week choosing his US number plates! You can too!! Here’s a few military ones i thought appropriate!
Cardinal Pel the Archbishop of Sydney thinks teachers in catholic schools should be more like priests… get your kids out of Catholic schools!!!
With Peaches behaving so well and doing a DJ set at a recent Motley Crue concert (not really a suitable place for an 18 year old girl you’d think…) it’s time to chat about Papa Bob! You see, GWB has many many high powered meetings; the Pope, UN delegates, Mickey Mouse… and Bob Geldof. Now see Bob wanted to talk about what Bob always wants to talk about: Bob! With his medals now put aside for next time, Bobby and Bono met with GWB. GWB suitably impressed by their impassioned talk of solving hunger described the meeting as only one such as him can: “I’m hanging with good company”. He must have forgotten their names – or he though Bono was one of the 7 dwarves…
Fuck O Meter this week:
Pete: 6
Richard (completely missing the irony): 3
Abe: (not too sure where he was) 0
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… and a last word from Richard:
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I mean how far away do you want to stand from the urinal anyway??
Abe Written by:

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