And a heavily political show it was too!! Nothing wrong with that – tear down… Read the postEPISODE #253 – John Howard’s Mighty Busch
Finally the show gets to air. Yes WBF hits the airwaves unencumbered by technology –… Read the postEPISODE 252 – WE THINK THAT’S RIGHT
It’s here!! Back in Black, baby. A Walk in the Black Forest Season 2 Volume… Read the postWBF – SEASON 2 VOL. 2
Pete has an attachment to all things phallic. Pens, rockets, John Howard – and with… Read the postEPISODE #248 – Richard’s not here – let’s get phallic!
This is 1] a kind of update, 2]a holiday hello and 3] a cunning plan…… Read the postEPISODE #246 – …a kind of update…
When the topic of food comes up it can mean only three things; 1] Nicole… Read the postEPISODE #245 – The Fascinating Rainbow Murken
Interesting how last week we were banned from broadcasting, and in the same week David… Read the postEPISODE #244 – The Gagged Kochie and Torst Trapib!!
Dude to the contentious nature of tonight’s programme – we were unable to bring you… Read the postProgramme Yanked from Air
Many strange things happen in the WBF studio. It’s where they hid Harold Holt… i… Read the postEPISODE #243 – The Schmoodle Chronicles
Did you know (as Peter pointed out), putting a video of you singing Happy Birthday… Read the postEPISODE #242 – The Junta Collective!